
Understanding Joint Bank Accounts

收起 什麼是聯名銀行賬戶?

道明加拿大信託個人存款賬戶能以兩人或更多人的名義開設。 These are referred to as "Joint Accounts". When a Joint Account is set up with us, the accountholders must decide whether their joint consent is required to withdraw funds or otherwise transact or provide instructions in respect of the account or whether either of them may do this on their own.

展開 為何要開設聯名銀行賬戶?

Joint accounts can help you pay household bills or manage other shared expenses with a spouse or family member, especially if you have health or mobility issues that make it more difficult for you to manage your personal banking on your own. In addition, a parent may consider setting up a joint account with a family member, such as an adult child, if they are planning to be out of the country traveling or vacationing for an extended period or following the death of a spouse who typically handled the household finances.

展開 使用聯名銀行賬戶是否存在任何風險?


  • 您將要為其他賬戶持有人進行的所有交易承擔責任,他們進行的交易與您自己進行的交易具有同等效力。
  • 其他賬戶持有人通常有權隨時提取聯名賬戶中的部分或全部資金,不論這筆資金是由誰存入賬戶中。
  • 如果其他賬戶持有人有未償還的債務並且債權人希望用聯名賬戶中的資金償還債務,您就需要承擔其他賬戶持有人帶來的財務問題。
  • 您需要為導致您聯名賬戶透支的所有交易負責,即使透支是由其他賬戶持有人所造成。例如,另一位賬戶持有人存入聯名賬戶中的支票可能由於資金不足而被退回(「资金不足」)。如果用「資金不足」的這筆存款從聯名賬戶進行付款,聯名賬戶就會處於透支狀態,您將需要承擔應向我們支付的所有相關利息與費用。

展開 What happens to funds in the Joint Account if one of the accountholders dies?



展開 What is a right of survivorship?



展開 如果您需要他人幫助進行付款和存款,但又不想開設聯名賬戶怎麼辦?

