Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information has always been fundamental to the way we do business within Private Giving Foundation. The Private Giving Foundation's Privacy Code informs you of the ways we help protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your information. To review the full text of our Privacy Code, click here.

Many of you have questions about how we are handling the information we obtain from you when you visit our websites. We developed an On-Line Privacy Code to answer your questions about the information we collect when you visit the website of Privacy Giving Foundation and how we use it. To review the full text of our On-Line Privacy Code, click here.

Privacy Code Table of Contents

The Private Giving Foundation commitment to privacy
Our privacy Code
Why we ask for your information
TD Bank Financial Group - Serving you better
When we release your information
How we protect your information
Your right to access your information
Keeping your information accurate
Respecting your preference
Addressing your concerns
Our online privacy Code
Who can answer your questions about privacy

The Private Giving Foundation commitment to privacy

Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information has always been fundamental to the way we do business within Private Giving Foundation.

We strive to provide you with the best customer service. To us, that includes treating you fairly and with respect.

This Privacy Code informs you of the ways we help protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your information.

Our privacy code

Our Privacy Code informs you of the practices we have in place relating to the management of personal information within Private Giving Foundation. The word "information" means personal, financial and other details about you that you provide to us and we obtain from others within or outside our Organization. This Code applies to donors and other individuals. It consists of five key principles:

1. Collecting and using information

Either before or when we collect information about you, we will explain how we intend to use it. We will limit the information we collect to what we need for those purposes, and we will use it only for those purposes. We will obtain your consent if we wish to use your information for any other purpose and before collecting information from third parties.

Your personal information is used to help us manage our programs, and contact you about products or services you may be interested in having with us and to manage operations and risk within Private Giving Foundation. Your information is also used in order to satisfy valid information requests from regulators and other organizations or individuals who are legally entitled to make such requests.

2. Releasing information

We may provide your information to other persons in situations where:

  • our suppliers or agents who assist us in serving you need the information
  • we are required or permitted to do so by law or applicable regulators and self-regulatory organizations
  • transfers of a business are involved
  • in the event we cease operations, but only to qualified donees as allowed by the Income Tax Act (Canada)
  • you have provided your consent

3. Protecting information

We will protect your information with appropriate safeguards and security measures. We will retain your information only for the time it is required for the purposes we explain.

4. Providing information access and accuracy

我們會應要求允許您瀏覽我們保留的關於您的資料。 We will make reasonable efforts to keep your information accurate and up-to-date.

5. Respecting and responding to your privacy concerns

We will explain your options for refusing or withdrawing consent to the collection, use and release of your information, and we will record and respect your choices. We will investigate and respond to your concerns about any aspect of our handling of your information.

In this Code, we explain how we fulfill each of these important principles.

Why we ask for your information

We ask you for information to establish and serve you as a donor.

We obtain most of our information about you directly from you. For example, to open a Donor-Advised Account or make a donation as a third party donor, we need your name, address, contact particulars, and some identification.

We collect the information we need and only use it for the purposes explained to you.

We may use your information to:

  • process your gifts (including considering and processing your grant recommendations, and issuing tax receipts)
  • administer delivery of our charitable services;
  • establish, maintain and manage our relationship with you, including setup and management of Donor-Advised Accounts and maintenance of an accurate record of your involvement;
  • provide you with information regarding the operations of the Private Giving Foundation and offer you opportunities for further giving;
  • verify your identity and protect against fraud;
  • satisfy regulatory obligations and other legal requirements;
  • create statistics about our operations and understand the current and future needs and preferences of donors

We also collect information during our interactions with you.

  • 透過電話諮詢
    • We may monitor and/or record your telephone discussions with our representatives for ourmutual protection, to enhance customer service and to confirm our discussions with you.
  • Through the Internet
    • When you are using one of our websites, we may monitor and/or record your browsing habits as described in our Online Privacy Code.
  • Through Email
    • When you send us an email or when you ask us to respond to you by email, we learn your exact email address and any information you have included in the email.
    • We use your email address to acknowledge your comments and/or reply to your questions, and we will store your communication and our reply in case we correspond further.
    • Private Giving Foundation will not ask you to provide personal information or login information, such as username, passwords, PINs, IdentificationPlus® security questions and answers or account numbers, through unsolicited email.
    • If you receive an email claiming to be from Private Giving Foundation and that you believe to be fraudulent, do not respond and do not open or click on any links or open attachments contained within the email. Please notify us immediately by forwarding a copy of the email to us at and delete the email immediately after notifying us.

TD Bank Group1 Serving you better

Private Giving Foundation has entered into a service agreement with The Toronto-Dominion Bank ("TD") to perform or arrange for the administrative, recordkeeping, fundraising and certain other services for Private Giving Foundation. Your information is collected by and disclosed to TD for the purposes of providing these services on our behalf.

With your consent, we may also share your information with the affiliates within TD Bank Group for purposes of determining whether any products or services of TD Bank Group are suitable for you and so that they can offer them to you in order to serve you better. This consent is optional and you can decide to withdraw it at any time. Please refer to the "Respecting your preference" section for more information.

When we release your information

As a general rule, all information concerning donors is held in strict confidence and, except in limited circumstances, is not disclosed to anyone unless authorized by the donor. We are not in the business of selling donor lists or personal information to others. However, we may release your information to parties outside Private Giving Foundation in certain circumstances, which include:

For servicing purposes

We give a limited amount of information, only as necessary, to our suppliers and agents. Where we disclose your information to organizations that perform services on our behalf, we will require those service providers to use such information solely for the purpose of providing such services and to have appropriate safeguards for the protection of that information. These suppliers and agents may be located in Canada or other jurisdictions or countries and may disclose information in response to valid demands or requests from governments, regulators, courts and law enforcement authorities in those jurisdictions or countries.

When required or permitted to do so by law or applicable regulators and self-regulatory organizations

We may release information to satisfy regulatory requirements related to our operation as a charitable organization, or in response to a search warrant, court order or other demand or inquiry which we believe to be valid.

To protect our interests

We may also disclose information to any person or organization, including an investigative body, in order to prevent, detect or suppress fraud or criminal activity, protect our assets and interests, or in the case of a breach of agreement or contravention of law. This helps prevent fraud, money laundering or other criminal activity.

Cessation of Operations

Should the Private Giving Foundation cease its operations, its assets will be transferred to qualified donees within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada). The assets transferred may include the information we hold about you.

Other situations where we have your consent

In administering the charitable services of the Private Giving Foundation, we may provide your information to other parties who are grant recipients where you have consented to being recognized and identified as the donor advisor recommending the grant. As noted above, with your consent we also share your information with TD Bank Group to allow them to offer you their products and services.

How we protect your information

We will protect your information with appropriate safeguards and security measures.

We have security standards to protect our systems and your information against unauthorized access and use.

All our suppliers and agents, as part of their contracts with Private Giving Foundation, are bound to maintain your confidentiality and may not use the information for any unauthorized purpose. Employees of TD, who perform the administrative, recordkeeping and other services for Private Giving Foundation, are familiar with the procedures that must be taken to safeguard customer information, and it is specified in their employment agreements and regularly confirmed in writing.

We audit our procedures and security measures regularly to help ensure that they are being properly administered and that they remain effective and appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

We retain your information only as long as it is required for the reasons it was collected.

This period may extend beyond the end of your relationship with us but only for so long as it is necessary for us to have sufficient information to respond to any issue that may arise at a later date. When your information is no longer needed for the purposes explained to you, we have procedures to destroy, delete, erase or convert it to an anonymous form.

Your right to access your information

Upon request, we will give you access to the information we have about you. If requested, we will assist you in making your request.

Most of this information is in the form of your donation records. These are available to you through quarterly donor-advised account statements and annual tax receipts.

If you require other information, simply contact or forward a written request to:

  • 郵寄: Private Giving Foundation
    Canada Trust Tower, 161 Bay St, 3rd Floor
    Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T2
  • Fax: 416-983-4838

We will ask you for specific details such as your name, account number and name of the donor-advised account. We will advise you in advance if a minimal charge will be required for conducting the search, and we will respond to your request within 30 days.

Please note that we may not be able to provide information about you from our records which contains references to other persons, is subject to legal privilege, contains confidential information proprietary to Private Giving Foundation or TD Bank Group, relates to an investigation of a breach of agreement or contravention of laws, or cannot be disclosed for other legal reasons.

Keeping your information accurate

We will make reasonable efforts to keep your information accurate and up-to-date.

You can help by keeping us informed of any changes, such as if you move or change telephone numbers or grant preferences. If you find any errors in our information about you, let us know and we will make the corrections immediately, and make sure, if appropriate, they are conveyed to anyone we may have misinformed.

Respecting your preference

We will explain your options of refusing or withdrawing consent to the collection, use or release of your information, and, given reasonable notice, we will record and respect your choices.

If you don't want us to share information with TD Bank Financial Group, you can tell us so at any time. You may do so by contacting the branch or office or other contact point through which you donated to the Private Giving Foundation or by contacting us at the Private Giving Foundation address below. We will be pleased to explain this option and any consequences of refusing or withdrawing your consent, and record your choice.

Addressing your concerns

If you have any questions orconcerns about privacy we encourage you to let us know. If you choose to mail, fax or email2 us, please include your full name, address and telephone number.

Contact us in one of the following ways:

  • Telephone: 416-308-6735
  • 郵寄: Private Giving Foundation
    Canada Trust Tower, 161 Bay St, 3rd Floor
    Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T2
  • Fax: 416-983-4838

We'll work hard to provide an acceptable solution but if you are not satisfied, the Manager will become involved in the resolution of your problem or concern.

Elevation to a Senior Officer

If you are not satisfied with the solution you receive from the Manager in Step 1, the Manager will offer to elevate your problem - communicating all relevant details on your behalf - to a representative of the Senior Management Officer responsible for the Private Giving Foundation. If you prefer to elevate the problem yourself, the Manager will provide you with the contact information.

Contact the TD Ombudsman

If you have been through the first two steps and you still feel your concern has not been resolved, please contact the TD Ombudsman. The office of the TD Ombudsman acts as an independent body that mediates between customers and different TD groups to resolve outstanding concerns. When you refer a concern to the TD Ombudsman, the office will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation and work to reach a fair and reasonable resolution. You may contact the TD Ombudsman by:

  • 郵寄: TD Ombudsman
    Toronto-Dominion Centre, P.O. Box 1
    Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
  • Fax: 416-983-3460
  • Email2:
  • Telephone: 416-982-4884 or 1-888-361-0319

Include your full name, address, telephone number(s) and the details of your concern in your letter, email or fax.

Our online privacy code

Many of you have questions about how we handle the information we obtain from you when you visit our website. This Online Privacy Code will answer your questions about the information we collect and how we use it.

Our use of Cookies

A cookie is a small file containing certain pieces of data that a website creates when you visit the site, either from a computer or a mobile device. When you visit a website, a cookie may be used to track the activities of your browser as well as provide you with a consistent, more efficient experience.

There are three common types of cookies that we use: “session cookies,” “persistent cookies” and “Flash cookies.”

Session cookies store information only for the length of time that you are connected to a website – they are not written onto your hard drive. Once you leave the website, they expire and are no longer active.

Persistent cookies are more permanent and store information on your hard drive. Persistent cookies can be re-read when you return to the site that placed them on your hard drive.

Flash cookies are data files that a website creates when you visit the site and are most often used to enhance your web-browsing experience. For more information about Flash cookies or to learn how to remove Flash cookies, please visit

On our website we use session, persistent and Flash cookies in the following ways.

We use session cookies –

  • to learn:
    – which pages are visited and what action you have taken;
    – the address of the websites and advertisements that link directly to our sites;
    – the keywords used for searches that brought you to our websites;
    – about the browser version and operating system you use;
    – your Internet protocol (IP) address; and
    – your Internet service provider (ISP) and the region from which you’re connecting to our site.
  • as a type of digital signature to identify your current session to our web server.

We use persistent cookies in the following ways –

  • to remember your language preference and automatically input your Access Card number or Connect ID if you choose the option on our login screen;
  • to assist us in authenticating you and your computer and to administer EasyWeb and WebBroker IdentificationPlus;
  • to reduce the likelihood that any online offer which you have already responded to is not presented again when you login to our Internet banking site;
  • to analyze which products and services you have used which allows us to optimize our sites and to provide a more personalized experience while you utilize TD websites. Once you have successfully logged into EasyWeb or WebBroker, we associate you with a TD internal identifier that identifies you as our customer. Although the TD internal identifier allows us to know who you are, the cookie will never contain information that would allow a third party to know who you are, such as your name, address, telephone number or email address. This internal identifier enables us:
    • to monitor your browsing habits on our website in order to learn which advertisements are best for you and deliver online marketing offers and advertisements tailored to you or that may be of interest to you;.
    • to help manage our site Personalization and to contact you occasionally either by telephone, fax, mail, email or ATM, or all of these methods, with marketing offers that may be of interest to you based on your browsing habits on our website;.

If you prefer, you may choose not to have us contact you with marketing offers or personalized advertisements based on your online behaviour by calling us at 1-800-430-6095.

We use both session and persistent cookies to –

  • assist us with application support issues and to aid in fraud investigations; and
  • determine how many people visit our websites and which sections of the sites are visited most frequently. This helps us to understand what type of information is most useful to our website visitors so that we can improve our websites and makes it easier for our website visitors to access information. We record statistical information on the numbers of visitors to our websites.

We limit the use of Flash cookies to –

  • act as a back-up for EasyWeb and WebBroker IdentificationPlus; and
  • store information such as IP address and browser type. The information is collected to assist us in authenticating you and your computer.

Our use of Cookies

If you prefer not to accept cookies, you may adjust your browser settings to notify you when a cookie is about to be sent or you may configure your browser to refuse cookies automatically. If you would like to learn more about your cookie options, please refer to your browser's documentation or online help for instructions.

If you choose not to accept cookies, some TD websites may not function properly or optimally. For example, you will not be able to access any of our secured sites as cookies are used for security and multi-factor authentication, as well as for fraud prevention or investigation purposes. Also, if you adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies, you may still receive some online advertising from us, but that advertising will not be based on your preferences or products that you hold with us.

Spotlight Tags

Spotlight tags help us to manage some of our online advertising and report on activities that happen after a web user sees or clicks on one of our online ads. The spotlight tag enables us to learn which advertisements bring users to our website.

Ad Management Partners

We use ad management partners, 24/7 Real Media, Inc. and Doubleclick to assist us with delivery and monitoring of our advertising. For more privacy information about our partners and their opt-out policies, go to -

  • 24/7 Real Media, Inc., EN-US/privacy-policy.html
  • Google Inc.,

Online Authentication Process

When you purchase a new product online or register for a secure online service, the application you complete includes an online authentication process. The online authentication process utilizes a third party information service to confirm your identity. The information that you provide in your application will be compared against the information contained in your consumer credit report for the sole purpose of validating your identity and will not affect your credit rating or credit file. The online authentication process also uses Flash cookies, JavaScript and 1 x 1 pixel images to identify the device you are using to access our site. This is used in combination with the consumer credit report comparison to protect both you and the Bank from fraud.


When you submit your response online to a survey question, we learn your answer or any opinions or information that you volunteer.

For a survey, we may publish results in aggregate on our websites. We may also use your response to improve products or services of TD. Based on your participation in a survey, we may forward information about our offers on products and services that we believe may be of interest to you.

Who can answer your questions about privacy?

To review your options under the Private Giving Foundation Privacy Code, simply call toll-free:

1 道明銀行集團是指道明銀行及旗下附屬機構,並提供存款、投資、貸款、證券、信託、保險、其他產品或服務。
2 Email disclaimer: For your protection, do not send confidential or personal information via email, as it is NOT a secure method of communication. If your request is urgent or requires disclosure of confidentialor personal information for resolution, please call us. All trade-marks are the property of their respective owners. ®/ The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries.